Blocked users are unable to edit pages, upload files, move pages, and perform other actions that additional user rights would grant. Sysops or others with access to the blocking and unblocking interface may still block and unblock others (including themselves) while blocked.

Blocked users are still allowed to edit their own user talk page unless it is protected and to view and edit their watchlist. Administrators can block users (anonymous or logged in).

පරිශීලක කණ්ඩායම්
දේශීය: නිර්නාමිකස්වයංක්‍රීයව චිරස්ථිතAutoreviewedBlockedConfirmedImportersRegisteredReviewersUploaders

පරිපාලකවරුරොබෝවරුනිලබලධාරියෝCheckusersInterface adminsPseudo-bots

ගෝලීය: Locked accountsOmbudsmenRollbackersStewardsසිස්-ඇඩ්මින්වරුසිස්-ඔප්වරුUnified accounts
"විකිපොත්:Blocked_users&oldid=32505" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි