විකිපොත්:ස්වයං-චිරස්ථිත පරිශීලකයෝ

A number of actions are restricted to user accounts that pass certain thresholds of age and edit count: users who meet these requirements are considered part of the pseudo-group 'autoconfirmed'. Autoconfirmed status is checked every time a user performs a restricted action: consequently, it is granted automatically by the software. The precise requirements for autoconfirmed status vary according to circumstances.

Autoconfirmed status is required to move pages and edit semi-protected pages. Autoconfirmed users are no longer required to enter a CAPTCHA for most events.

පරිශීලක කණ්ඩායම්
දේශීය: නිර්නාමිකස්වයංක්‍රීයව චිරස්ථිතAutoreviewedBlockedConfirmedImportersRegisteredReviewersUploaders

පරිපාලකවරුරොබෝවරුනිලබලධාරියෝCheckusersInterface adminsPseudo-bots

ගෝලීය: Locked accountsOmbudsmenRollbackersStewardsසිස්-ඇඩ්මින්වරුසිස්-ඔප්වරුUnified accounts