ප්‍රවර්ගය:Wikibooks pages with strange ((documentation)) usage

සැකිල්ල:Hidden category

මෙය විකිපොත් නඩත්තු කටයුතු ප්‍රවර්ගයකි.

This category is automatically populated by the template {{උපදෙස්}}. It detects and reports some types of strange usage. This is so we can easily find those pages and fix them.

The most common fixes that need to be done are:

  • The {{උපදෙස්}} template itself is used on a /doc or /testcases subpage (except in Module namespace). Fix it by removing the {{උපදෙස්}} template from the subpage. But there are some cases where a template is used to create documentation, and then it is correct that it shows documentation on the /testcases page.

Subcategories that get listed here are not subcategories in the normal sense. Instead they happen to use the {{උපදෙස්}} box and thus need fixing too.

MediaWiki runs updates of category listings (as the one you see below) as a low priority job. Thus if the servers are very busy it can take some days before a page is removed from the list below even though the page has been fixed. But normally it is removed within an hour.

Sometimes you need to purge a page to see your fix and to get rid of this category from the bottom of a page.

For more about this see Template talk:උපදෙස්.

"Wikibooks pages with strange ((documentation)) usage" ප්‍රවර්ගයට අයත් පිටු

මෙම ප්‍රවර්ගය සතු වන්නේ මෙහි පහත දැක්වෙන පිටුව පමණි.