• {{{1}}}

  • Makes an unnumbered bullet line-item in a lightgrey coloured box. Each use encases the entry data line(s) into a full-width table element that, in particular extends short lines full width to any right element, such as an image.
  • Intended to alternate with {{Dul}}, possibly, but not necessarily all within a html wrapper element such as {{Container}}.
  • For full page widths or when the amount of text is sufficient to form more than one line for every bullet point, use Lightul and Darkul without a container in a stack. Bear in mind modern page realities must take into account a line/para/page might be viewed on a narrow phone screen to a full up desktop computer with the browser wallowing in 1080i or 4K HD wide page space.
{{dul|Short text}}
  • Short text
  • {{{1}}}
  • {{{1}}}

The smoke and mirrors ...
does not really exist. These templates merely reduce somewhat painstaking repetitive html code wrappings to a user friendly macro. These perform the coding needed to generate portable standard html for bulleted paragraphs:
 <td style="padding:2px 5px 2px 5px;">
 <ul><li>{{{content|{{{1}}} }}}

Note the use of  <td>...</td> elements, firstly says they expect a table element wrapper. Secondly suggests they can be alternated within  <tr>...</tr> wrappers to form a line with multiple columns, creating first a table with specific width parameters so they follow the leader, and stay in their own lane on each subsequent line.

See companion templates...
  • Use {{Lul}} and {{Dul}} to make the bullet strips.
  • Use {{Lightul}} and {{Darkul}} without a container, in a stack for full page widths or when the amount of text is sufficient to form more than one line for every bullet point.
  • Use {{container}} to include and bound combinations of the above listed beside an image.
"https://si.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=සැකිල්ල:Lul&oldid=26098" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි